Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

„Do you think that media gives a false impression of how enjoyable some jobs are?”
Write your opinion in 3-5 lines.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de aandronic
Bună, Robin!

In general, media gives a false impression of everything. Its power and influence are getting weaker. Journalists would do everything to gain attention, writing the most nonsensical articles and reportages. The louder is the headline - the bigger is feedback. We shouldn't believe everything we are told in a newspaper or on TV.
There are a lot of untold things that are left behind the scenes and it applies to jobs info too, just to make everything look perfect and eye-catching.

Mult succes.

Utilizator anonim: Mulțumesc mult!
aandronic: Cu plăcere.
serbanvlad77: ma ajutiti
serbanvlad77: I brusch my teeth= I get dressed= I arrive home/college= I leave home/college = Alarm clock= i catcha bus= Kitchen= Bathroom= It's five a clock= It's quarter past/quarter to six= it' halft past four= trebuie de completata in engleza
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