Engleza, întrebare adresată de clawclaudya, 9 ani în urmă

Do you think that racism still exists in South Africa? Where else does it exist? Do you think only older people are racist?

I think/don't think that....
In my opinion,....
I agree/I don't agree.
I see what you mean,but...

Help,me,please! :D

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CUTREMUR
Introducere:Racism will exist forever,where people will be not understood in different situations not from theire doing ,but from their colour,because they are black.Cuprins:So I think that all people in South Africa are all black 95℅(procents).I don't think that there are racists,because is an country of black skin.In my opinion in South of Africa aren't exist racists,but in another countries they exist for example in Moldova and Russia exist a lot of racist, many of them are old people.And some are racist also young people.I agree people that are not racist,but that people that are I think that they look only in exterior of a human,but not behind their comportment and their goods like that also spoke the greatest Martin Luther King a black human that spoke that:" I want to live in a country that my child's don't be contaminated from their skin that's black,but from their doing. Incheiere: So like that I Thought about racists. Sper sa te ajute
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