Engleza, întrebare adresată de adrian6181, 8 ani în urmă

doae raspunsurile. Multumesc!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de eu1234567898410

1 stay, will rain

2 will go, 'll be

3 won't earn, won't work

4 could,won't finish

5 'll go, 'll buy

6 will get,won't take

7 will find, will give

8 'll,we won't

9 will happen,won't work

10 will lose,will close

11 won't buy,won't get

12 won't finish,won't have

13 won't, won't remember

14 won't put,won't taste

15 won't hurry up, 'll be

16 will be,'ll find

17 won't break down, will check

18 won't take,won't disappear

atat !

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