Engleza, întrebare adresată de CosminBarosanu, 8 ani în urmă

doar raspunsurile va rog​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexandrabotan27
1. Cars mustn’t be parked here.
2. We didn’t need to go to college.
3. We really have not bought such a large dog.
4. Does the car have to be…
5. You must have been delighted…
6. Linda could’ve been injured…
7. …he can’t live in America.
8. You ought be working…
9. Jack must have…
10. … think parents should smack…
11. You don’t need to hand in the…
12. … you better tell your parents…
13. … we are supposed to do for homework?
13. … he might not play today.
Sper ca te am ajutat!

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