Engleza, întrebare adresată de florentina1986, 9 ani în urmă

Doresc urgent o scrisoare adresata unui prieten. Scrisoarea sa fie în engleza dar sa fie făcută de cineva expert. Cuvintele care trebuie menținute în scrisoare sunt ::: marvellous, camp-site , incredible, ancient, exploring,gorgeous, scuba - diving, cave, traditional, snails. Vă rog frumos, e urgent .Mulțumesc frumos

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de johannamathe
My dearest friend !
   I am spending my holidays at a marvelous camp-site . Here are a lot of lakes where you can scuba-dive or go with the boat . The view here is incredibble you can see from really far mountains with have a lot od caves. Unfortunately we will expore the caves only the last day of the trip because the distance between the camp -site and the mountains is really big and would take us abuot half a day to get there by car. The food from a near-by resfaurant is traditional. The kids are having so much fun playing with some snails that  they have found near the lake. One day a traveller came to the camp so he can rest . He told us about that in the caves he found some ancient jewelrys he even showed us . I will telk you more about it when we get back . See you soon 
With love .....(scrieti numele)
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