Dupa ce a fost lovit, baiatul s-a hotarat sa fuga din orfelinat. Mergand flamand si speriat, pe drum a vazut doi baieti, iar bietul Oliver a crezut ca o
sa fie ajutat, insa, in schimb, a fost lovit cu pietre si alungat. Ranit, a continuat sa mearga. S-a facut frig si a inceput sa ploua, iar el a cazut in genunchi si a inceput sa planga, asteptand sa se intample tot ce e mai rau. Insa, in spatele lui a aparut o femeie, care l-a linistit si l-a asigurat ca il va ajuta. Femeia l-a dus acasa, l-a imbracat, i-a dat sa manance, iar dupa cateva zile, impreuna cu sotul, a hotarat sa il adopte pe baiat, chiar daca ei mai aveau un copil.
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After being hit , the boy was determined to run the orphanage . Going hungry and scared , he saw two boys on the road and thought a poor Oliver
It is helped , but instead , was stoned and chased . Wounded , he continued to walk. It made cold and it started to rain and he fell to my knees and started crying , waiting to happen all the worse . But behind him there was a woman who calmed him and assured him that he would help . She took him home, dressed him , gave him to eat, and after a few days with her husband , decided to adopt it on the boy , even if they had another child.
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