Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandra33320, 8 ani în urmă

După exemplul acesta trebuie sa fac un raport : Write an 150 words report to your school principal,în which you give information on the studying conditions in the online system and give suggestions for improvement. (Refer to difficulties of communication with teachers,absentees,problems of internet connection. ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de GreenEyes71


Schimbă te rog numele persoanelor, dacă dorești. Avem 179 de cuvinte, mai multe de câte se cer în enunț, dar nici exemplul din imagine nu se rezumă la 150 de cuvinte, cu siguranță sunt mult mai multe.

To: Mr. Ioan Ionescu

From: Alexandra Argentoianu

Subject: Suggested solutions for online school issues

Date: 24th of February 2021

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this report is to highlight difficulties encountered by students during online school, and to suggest some possible solutions.

2. Problem description:

Online school comes with important advantages, and I think many students are happy with them. However, I would like to mention that software application chosen by the school does have some serious issues. For example, the connection interrupts every now and then, sound quality is really bad, and also video quality does not allow students to fully understand and participate in lessons, as expected.

3. Proposed solution:

There is a possible solution to this matter. We have tried another software application (called Zoomit), and we have been pleased to see that no issues have occurred, everything seems to work just fine. Besides, it is free of charge.

4.  Conclusion:

To sum up, while we all enjoy learning from home, we feel that above solution will definitely improve the quality of teaching, and learning.

Sper să te ajute.

Green eyes.

alexandra33320: Vă mulțumesc mult de tot!!
GreenEyes71: Să crești mare !
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