Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Alcătuiți o compunere de 15 rânduri în care să răspundeți la întrebarea "You're fit". În care să spuneți ce greșiți în alimentația și obiceiurile voastre de zi cu zi. Puteți să vă ajutați și de imagine.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
In modern day life, people within all ages have a habit on eating. It is something you need to do in order to not loose your energy forever. Even though we need to eat, we think we're making it a little too much. What seemed like a delicacy In the past , let's say , Meat, can be bought now for just a few bucks.
All humans are fighting with their scale to be thinner which is making us crazy over this reason.
Another snack we humans have evolved in the past generations to feed constantly on is chocolate and other deserts. This is a problem since all types of sweets come with one thing with many names, commonly known as sugar. It hides in our food and in the package of them by taking many names , such as corn syrup, barley malt, dextrose and many, many more.
Getting rid of it could end most of the extra weight problem and improve health. We need to seek out more healthy and green foods to improve our energy, since this is the food we humans have evolved to eat since countless generations ago.
In conclusion, We might need to find a better lifestyle suited for our bodies, otherwise, it could end disastrous.
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