Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandra4612, 8 ani în urmă

English se
a Ann
good film
Not so good. I was all so I stayed home
Ano Im sorry about that
Bill: Thor's OK. I watched a nice adventure Bir
Ann: Which film
BJI: The Golden Compass. It was brilliant
Ann: Reallye What's it about
Bill: It's about a young girl who movers e North
Jalking polar bears to unite the
Ann: Sounds exciting Is there lots of action
Bill: Yes there is the special attects are amazing
looked real
Ann: Who stars in 11
Bill: Dakota Blue Richards plays the young girl and
Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig
Ann | sounds great is a pity I missed it
Bill: You can rent it on DVD
Find sentences in the dialogue which we
you enjoy your weekend?
3 Sounds really go
& Which actors in​

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