Engleza, întrebare adresată de maximtertiuc, 8 ani în urmă

Eseu de 8 propoziții (in limba engleză) tema: Ce poti sa faci ca să protejezi natura.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de John222

Let's not throw the paper away. Let's take her to the maculature!

Let's not waste the paper. Let's not print more than we need and recycle paper. It's like saving trees!

Let's take care of the animals. Let's protect them!

Let's take care of plants and animals as well. There are many endangered species, and if we do not care for them and do not protect them, they will disappear.

Let's take care of the forests!

I mean, we don't cut down trees any more than we need to. They give us oxygen and we have to thank them. And as often as possible we should plant small trees so that the forests are always rich!

Let's save water! Let's consume as little water as possible!

I know that in Africa there are people dying of thirst. So we should all be careful to consume less water. It's simple! Let's take showers instead of baths, for example. And when we wash our hands or teeth, we don't let the water flow continuously.

Let's not waste energy! Let's not leave the lights on! Let's use solar energy!

Even if there are now economic light bulbs, it is still good to turn off the light after us. Do not consume anything without anyone being there. Do not leave the TV on or the air conditioner when we are not in the room. Moreover, the most useful thing would be for people to put up their solar panels and use the sun's energy.

Sorry cai asa de lung :D

maximtertiuc: puțin cam prea mult let's
John222: Stiu :D
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


To keep the nature clear we need take more care of her.

To recycle the garbage according to the matter we will live in a cleaner space.

Nature is very important for peoples life.We don't have to cut down trees so the air will not be clean, but polluted.We must respect the rules regarding nature.To ride a bicycle so as not to pollute the air with cars.To plant many trees to clean the air.

The nature need be clear , no poluated!

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