Engleza, întrebare adresată de gondordiana3, 8 ani în urmă

Eseu despre un oras, se fie in engleza este urgent​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de davidsechel888


Paris is my favorite city. The city is from France. Paris has many tourist attractions but my favorite is the Eiffel Tower. Paris has about 2.3 billion inhabitants.

gondordiana3: mulțumesc
Răspuns de vladdorobat


Sibiu is a great city, it has a lot of atractive things and it has one of the most beautiful center of a city from romania.If you come there you sure need to see "Podul Minciunilor" or " Parcul sub Arini". I ll wait you there.

gondordiana3: mulțumesc
vladdorobat: coroana?
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