Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreiposto, 9 ani în urmă

Eseu dspre Causes of conflict between adolescents and their parents

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Infinity01
Conflicts represent a misunderstanding between two or more people who support different ideas.
Conflicts between adolescents and parents appear once with their maturation. They tend to have other thoughts and they think that parents don't understand them.
I consider that, lack of communication between adolescents and parents leads to serious problems. The adolescent wants to receive as much freedom as possible from parents. Also, he wants and trust from his parent.
Another cause of the conflict is maturation. I believe that, as the young grows, he begins to have other visions of the world and tries to form a personality.
Furthermore, another cause of the conflict is the type of entourage in which is adolescent. He is integrates in entourages with persons he tends to believe he knows. Parents don't agree with such entourages.
Finally, parents should to socialise as much as possible with adolescents, to discover what they likes, what they dislikes or another things. If parents don't talk with them, they will take on the wrong ways.
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