Eseul din poza pe care am Atașat-o

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Some Teenagers are dropping out of school to find a job. Most Teens are living nice lives with the help of their parents, but there are some that have families that can't make enough money to live. Those teenagers then have to get a job to help sustain the family's economy.
The reasons for this cause are endless. Some families may have immigrated and can't find proper money. Some families may have addiction that consume their saving, and some aren't families at all. Some teens just don't have parents, and they have to sustain themselves. It is harsh and very unfortunate.
But, how can we help them?
There are not many ways for we as their friends to help them, maybe teach them how to manage their money better, but that won't just turn the situation around for them, but , as adults with a higher rank that can make choices , we can help them. You may have seen that some schools give out money for those in need. That is very useful for teens as they will use this money with care.
So, in conclusion, they should get a trusted adult friend to help them make a contract with the school they are learning from to get the scholarship they need. If they also get higher grades and participate with various contests, they can earn even more money, and grow healthy.