Engleza, întrebare adresată de nicolycazacu, 9 ani în urmă

Essay -A poor life is, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare. Please.

Stefan2016x: Ce vrei anume compunere, traducere?
nicolycazacu: Eseu
Stefan2016x: ok
Stefan2016x: voi incerca
nicolycazacu: Multumesc!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de pollyannawhittier
Poverty in the world 'What's that?Poverty?No, I don't know what that mean...I mean I even don't care!' People pretend to be interested in poverth,they pretend to be smart, kind. They say they don't care how they're looking or how people around them are looking. Who says this? All of us! We say we are so sad for people that have nothing to eat...Then why aren't we helping them? We tell people we are kind... Then why can't we just give a loaf of bread to a begger. We pretend to be the smartest people in the hole world... Then why can't we just open our eyes and see how the OTHER eyes are looking at us? We have forgoten what we really are and how God wants us to be. There are so many people stucjed in this poverty and we pretend to even don't see them.Why? Because we are the real poor peiple. Our soul is poor. And we don't want to show this, we want to pretend and believe that we are perfect and the poor ones are just miserable beggars. They are not poor. Their soul is rich. They just stay there, on the street, pray, try to save their kids from that dirty life. They're waiting... And guess what? Nothing haplens. Maybe, if we help them, just a little, they could stand up. If we help them, they win t get like us. They will help us too. They'll help us to make our soul rich. Beautiful thoughts, huh? But they are not enaugh! Open your eyes people, open your eyes.... Ştiu, cam filozofic, da' nah, fiecare cu ce-l doare. Sper ca te-am ajutat si chiar sper ca ai prins mesajul acestei compuneri. Pupicei!!

pollyannawhittier: Means*
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