Engleza, întrebare adresată de constantica, 8 ani în urmă

essay about moldovian economy:the reality and expections .​ va rog mult sa ma ajutati.

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Răspuns de mihaitugui23

Economy of Moldova

The economy of Moldova is one of the poorest in Europe.

On January 2, 1992, Moldova introduced a market economy, liberalising prices, which resulted in huge inflation. In 1993, a national currency, the Moldovan leu, was introduced to replace the Soviet ruble. The economic fortunes of Moldova began to change in 2001; since then the country has seen a steady annual growth of between 5% and 10%. Moldova's best-known product comes from its extensive and well-developed vineyards concentrated in the central and southern regions. Moldova produces liqueur and sparkling wine.

Moldova's best-known product comes from its extensive and well-developed vineyards concentrated in the central and southern regions. Moldova produces liqueur and sparkling wine.Moldova has experienced economic difficulties, like many other former Soviet republics. Since its economy was highly dependent on the rest of the former Soviet Union for energy and raw materials, the breakdown in trade following the breakup of the Soviet Union had a serious effect, exacerbated at times by drought and civil conflict. The Russian ruble devaluation of 1998 had a deleterious effect on Moldova's economy, but economic growth has been steady since 2000.Moldova has made progress in economic reform since independence. Moldova continues to make progress toward developing a viable free-market economy.Privatization results in 2004 were not significant: several smaller companies and one winery were privatized in 2004, but the government postponed indefinitely the privatization of several larger state enterprises, including two electricity distribution companies.As a whole, Moldova is doing well, despite a series of consecutive shocks, which included the doubling of the price of imported natural gas and Russia's ban on imports of Moldovan .According to the 2019 Index of Economic Freedom, Moldova ranks 97th globally with the overall score of 59.1, an increase of 0.7 relative to 2018.[20].

And for more informations and staticts (photographies) search on google ,because i m not put images here.

Thank's for that informations?:)

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