este urgent dau coroanaaa promitt

Răspunsuri la întrebare
2.he didn’t like football so he played volleyball
3. He broke, when he was 5
4. My mum was very angry, we came home very late
5. She told, i helped her
6. They didn’t visit, they went
7. Did they visit their…?
2. 1.I was studying
2. He wasn’t doing
3. They weren’t playing
4. Were they listening
5. She was going
6. That boy was playing, maybe he was having
7. Were watching
8. I was beginning.
1. My sister went to the cinema yesterday.
2. He didn't like football, so he played volleyball.
3. He broke the window when he was five.
4. My mum was very angry because we came home very late.
5. She told me the problem with her mum and I helped her.
6. They didn't visit the museum of the town, they went to the funfair.
7. Did they visit their grandparents yesterday?
1. I was studying Science for my test.
2. He wasn't doing his homework.
3. They weren't playing rugby because they think is boring.
4. Were they listening to music when you opened the door?
5. She was going to the cinema, but her friends didn't come.
6. That boy was playing the violin very well. Maybe, he was having musical classes.
7. Jane, David and Polly were watching TV when the light turned off.
8. I was beginning my English project when the phone rang.
1. Sora mea nu a mers la cinema ieri.
2. Lui nu i-a plăcut fotbalul, așa că a jucat volei.
3. El a spart geamul la vârsta de 5 ani.
4. Mama a fost foarte supărată pentru că noi am venit acasă foarte târziu.
5. Ea mi-a spus problema mamei sale și eu am ajutat-o.
6. Ei nu au vizitat muzeul orașului, ci au mers la distracții.
7. Și-au vizitat bunicii ieri?
1. Învățam la științe pentru test.
2. El nu își făcea temele.
3. Ei nu jucau rugby deoarece cred că este plictisitor.
4. Ei ascultau muzică atunci când ai deschis ușa?
5. Ea mergea la cinema, dar prietenii ei nu au venit.
6. Băiatul acela cânta la vioară foarte bine. Probabil lua lecții de muzică.
7. Jane, David și Polly se uitatu la televizor când s-a stins lumina.
8. Îmi începeam proiectul la Engleză când a sunat telefonul.