Engleza, întrebare adresată de Vladimir27, 10 ani în urmă

Eu stiu engleza, dar am nevoie de ajutor la un exercitiu, nu stum daca fac corect deoarece am lipsit la lectia respectiva...

1. Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Start your sentence with the underlined words.

1.Nuclear power is affecting the coal mining industry.

2.They first made pottery here in the 18th century.

3.They were developing the glass industry over 100 years ago.

4.. They will increase the production of steel.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de denysaellena
1.The coal mining industry is affected by the nuclear power.
2.Pottery was made by them here in the 18th century.
3.The glass industry was developed by them over 100 years ago.
4.The production of steel would increased by them . 

Pasiva se formeaza transformand complementul in subiect , iar subiectul in complement. Se utilizeaza vb to be la trecut + verbul conjugat la forma a 3-a. Insa mai exista si cazuri speciale ( ultima propozitie) , cand will este pus la trecut. 

Vladimir27: De ce la nu este la 1 : is being affected ?
Vladimir27: La fel si la 3 . Was being developed?
Vladimir27: Si la 4 :l : Would be increased?
denysaellena: in propozitia 1 verbul este la timpul prezent : is . Deci , pasiva va fi trecuta tot cu verbul to be la prezent adica is + verbul affect la forma a treia adaugand ed. Nu poti sa spui is being. Being nu exista in limba engleza!
denysaellena: La 3 , verbul to be este pus la trecut : was. Deci va lasat tot la trecut + forma a treia la trecut a verbului develope , adica developed.
Vladimir27: Da, ma gandeam la altceva, mersi, nu stiu unde imi era capul
denysaellena: si la 4 , nu are sens sa pui would be increased. pasiva nu se formeaza asa.spui decat would increase fara verbul to be. este o excpetie.
Vladimir27: Mersi din nou .
denysaellena: cu placere
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