Engleza, întrebare adresată de deyutzatha16, 8 ani în urmă

Ex. 2: Dați un răspuns convenabil la următoarele intrebări:
1. Good morning Mr X. IIow do you do?
2. Good morning X. How are you?
3. It's nice to meet you.
4. How's business?
5. Not too good, I'm afraid.
6. May I introduce you to ?
7. Have you met Joanna Trilby?
8. Haven't we met somewhere before?
9. Did you have a good trip?
10. Excuse me are you Mihai Ionescu?
11. My name's Andreca Ştefănescu. Do call me Andreea.
12. May I introduce myself? I am Sarah Smart.
13. How do you know my marketing manager?
14. Alison sends her regards,
15. Let me give you my card,
16. Would you like a coffee?
17. Do come and see us soon.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de denissemeda


1. How do you do

2. I 'm fine, thanks

3. Nice to meet you, too

4. It is good, fortunately.

5. Nice to meet you

6. No, I haven't met her yet.

7. Probably, we have.

9. yes, I did

10 Yes, I am . /No, I am not

12. Nice to meet you

13. We have worked together

14. I send her back, too

15. Thank you

16. Yes, thank you

17. I will try .


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