Engleza, întrebare adresată de iulianaiuly30, 8 ani în urmă

Ex 3 pag 27
Write questions with will the write afirmative(+)or negative(-)short answers
1 you/live/in a small vilige ?(-)
2your english teachers/give/you/A test/this week?(+)
3your and your friends/go/to the chinema/onsaturday night?(-)
4at italian film/win/an oscar/next year ?(-)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ariana249cristina
1 Do you live in a small village?
No, I don’t.
2 Did your English teacher gived you a test this week?
Yes, she did.
3 Do you and your friends go to the cinema on Saturday night?
No, we don’t.
4 Do an Italian film will win an Oscar next year?
No, it won’t.
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