Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexyv, 8 ani în urmă

Ex 4 plz <br />Urgent... <br />Dau coroana... Haideți vă rog


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de robertmoglan20p0ljzg
Trimite o scrisoare prietenului tau spunându-i 3 lucruri diferite care le-ai facut recent. Foloseste 120-140 de cuvinte. (Aprox. 12-14 randuri.) Mult noroc.
Răspuns de heav3n
Dear friend, X-ulescu(cum se numeste prietenu tau)
I want to tell you what I did since we last met. I went to a movie called "Justice league", it was awesome, the movie had a lot of action and i saw my favorite superohero: Batman.
Another thing i did was to visit an old friend who broke his leg while he was walking on bicicle. I had fun visiting him. I also went to church with my grandparents.
I hope I'll see you soon.
Your friend, X-ulecu(numele tau)
Am facut ceva simplu, sper ca te va ajuta :)
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