ex 4 si 6 urgent am nevoie va rog frumos

Răspunsuri la întrebare
ex 4
1. bored; boring
2. surprising; worried
3. annoyed; annoying
4. tired; interesting
5. frightened; frightening
ex 6
1. hard
2. reading? (nu știu sigur, aici tu trebuie sa alegi)
3. playing basketball
4. waiting is annoying;
5. books; video games etc
6. I play games on my phone; I read etc
La exercițiul ăsta trebuie sa completezi spațiile cu anumite cuvinte astfel încât propozițiile acestea sa fie adevărate pentru tine, acum eu am pus câteva exemple la unele subpuncte.
4.john is bored because the film is boring.
the result of the experiments are very
surprising the scientists are worried.
i'm annoyed because my friend is late - again!it's very annoying when people are always late.
we're tired because it's very late,but the documentary is really interesting.
they are frightened of spiders.they think spider are frightening.
6.i think football is hard.
i think handball is exciting.
i am bored by volley.
in my opinion, my friend is annoying.
i'm interested in computer science.
when i'm tired i sleep.
sa explic nu pot ca am niste treaba scuze si sper ca te-am ajutat