Engleza, întrebare adresată de egorfortovii, 7 ani în urmă

Ex.5. Fill in the following sentences with irregular forms of the adjectives: old, far, late.
a.I was the ________________ person to come. b. They have 2 daughters. The former is blond
and the ___________________ is brunette. c. His _______________ book was published a week
ago. d. My _______________ education continued by attending summer school .e. This is
the__________________ point from the island. f. I’m the ______________of my three brothers.
g. My _____________ sister is coming to stay with us at Christmas.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ZD10


a. I was the oldest person to come.

b. They have 2 daughters. The former is blond and the latest is brunette.

c. His latest book was published a week ago.

d. My farther education continued by attending summer school.

e. This is the farthest point from the island.

f. Im the oldest of my three brothers.

g. My older sister is coming to stay with us at Christmas.

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