Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 10 ani în urmă

ex 7 pag 7 
Put the suitable structure either it is or there is therea are in each space and act the chilred to dialogues.
1.What's the time?- ... ... 3.30.
And what's the date?- ... ... the 24th
2.How far ... ... to York?- ... ... 50 miles
3... ..... hot in July?-Yes,... ...
4. ... ... very stormy last night?-Yes, ... ... storms all over the country.
5. ... ... freezing vredy hard.- ... ... ... ice ont he lake tomorrow.
6. ... ... yesterday that i saw him.- Realy?

MFM: ai deja un alutor de nadejdie.imi pare rau dar eu nu le am cu engleza.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dana89
Put the suitable structure either it is or there is therea are in each space and act the chilred to dialogues.
1.it is
it is
2.is it /  It is
3  Is it /  it is
4. Was it/ there were  (aici trebuit neaparat folosit trecutul, pt ca e vorba despre noaptea trecuta)
5. It is / There will be ice on the lake tomorrow (neaparat folosim viitorul in a doua propozitie, pt ca e vorba despre tomorrow) 
6.  It was (la fel ca la 4, trebuit trecutul, ca avem yesterday)

Dana89: asta sa-l intrebi pe el. pot sa-ti spun cum le-am gandit eu: de obicei, la ex cu intrebare-raspuns, jumatate din raspuns se afla in intrebare. daca la intrebare am folosit o constructie (there is, it is, do/does), in majoritatea timpului, vom folosi aceeasi constructie si in raspuns
Dana89: la 7 : As it was.... (s-ar traduce: Pt ca era soare, s-au hotarat sa....)
Dana89: 8 There is (work nu are plural, asa ca niciodata nu vom folosi there are sau alte bazaconii)
Dana89: There are not (there aren't) any shadows because there is no sun. It is behing the clouds
Dana89: *behind*
Dana89: There is going to be/// It will be all right if it will be a fine day
Răspuns de ssmecheru33
1. It is It is 2. It is There are 3. It is It is 4. Was it There was 5. It is 6. There was.
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