Engleza, întrebare adresată de boomstar851, 7 ani în urmă

Ex 7 va rog mult am nevoie


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nnanamin


2.the story is about some witch who lives in the forest.

3.is there any mice in this house?

4.The factory in the city was closed down.

5.he kept the handkerchief in the top drawer.

6.there was a loave if bread being baken in the oven

7.he had to wash up the glass in the sink

8.she put the tooth under her pillow

9.He wanted a copy of their photoghrap.

10.you can have a guess at the answer

11.i bought new pants.

12.the fish he ordered was absolutely delicious

Răspuns de SophKazovy


2 . The story is about some witch who lives in the forest

3 . Is there a mouse in the house

4 . One factory in the city closed down

5 . He kept the handkerchief in the top drawer

6 . There was one loaf of bread being baked in the oven

7 . He had to wash one of the glasses in the sink

8 . She put the tooth under the pillow

9 . They wanted a copy of their photograph

10 . You can have one guess at the answer

11 . I bought a new pair of pants

12 . The fish they ordered was absolutely delicious

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