Engleza, întrebare adresată de patrickbarhan, 8 ani în urmă

Exercise 1. Choose the correct form. OFER COROANA!!
1. I ...... a letter now.
a) write b) am writing c) am writting
2. Susan ...... the garden at the moment.
a) is diging b) digs c) is digging
J3. ane ...... to bed at 10 o'clock on weekdays.
a) goes b) is going c) go
4. I am in London this summer. I ..... English.
a) learn b) am learning c) learning
5. We ...... our friends very often.
a) are seeing b) seeing c) see
6. My brothers ...... letters every week.
a) writes b) are writing c) write
7. The bus sometimes ...... in the morning.
a) is arriving b) arrive c) arrives
8. James is a student. But he ...... this week.
a) are watching b) watch c) watching

JellycubeC: la opt nu e scris corect

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dariadavid3332


1. b

2. c






8. nu inteleg

Răspuns de JellycubeC


1. b)

2. c)

3. a)

4. b)

5. c)

6. c)

7. c)

JellycubeC: asa e corect
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