Engleza, întrebare adresată de cristina484981, 8 ani în urmă

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. Use the gerund, infinitive or
present participle. Rewrite the entire sentence.
1. 'I was lonely at first,' the old man admitted, but after a time I got used to (live) alone and even
got (like) it.'
2. Before trains were invented people used (travel) on horseback or in stage coaches. It used (take) a
stage coach three days (go) from London to Bath.
3. I meant (buy) an evening paper but I didn't see anyone (sell) them.
4. Tom: I want (catch) the 7 a.m. train tomorrow. Ann: But that means (get) up at 6.00; and you're
not very good at (get) up early, are you?
5. He accepted the cut in salary without complaint because he was afraid (complain). He was afraid
of (lose) his job.
6. She remembers part of her childhood quite clearly. She remembers (go) to school for the first
time and (be) frightened and (put) her finger in her mouth. And she remembers her teacher (tell) her
(take) it out.
7. Did you remember (lock) the car? No, I didn't. I'd better (go) back and (do) it now.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nccjchcjccjvnvv
1. Living, to like
2. to travel, to take
3. to buy, selling
4. to catch , getting (x2)
5. to complain
6. going, being, putting, telling, to take
7. to lock, go, do

succes! Coroana?
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