Exercise 1. Write positive sentences with the verb in the Present Perfect tense. Use already or just.
Exercise 2. Write negative sentences with the verb in the Present Perfect tense. Use yet.
Exercise 3. Write interrogative sentences with the vest in the Present Perfect tense. Use yet.
Exercise 4. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use the Present Perfect tense.
Exercise 5. Change the verb into the correct form. Use the Present Perfect tense.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
2. Brad and Loise have already watched a film.
3. Ben has just drawn a picture.
4. They have just read an interesting magazine.
5. Phil has already helped Anne with math.
6. My parents have just gone to a restaurant.
2. Alex has not fed the hamster yet.
3. David has not bought milk yet.
4. We have not made our bed yet.
2. Has Maria watched the film yet?
3. Has he worked today yet?
4. Has Jack seen the picture yet?
1. I haven’t worked today.
2. We have bought a new lamp.
3. We haven’t planned our holiday yet.
4. He hasn’t been at school today.
5. He has already written five letters.
6. She hasn’t seen him yet.
7. Have you been at school today?
8. School hasn’t started yet.
9. Has he spoken to his boss this week?
10. He hasn’t finished his homework yet.
1. I have read your book several times.
2. She has worn that skin many times.
3. We have visited Brazil a few times.
4. I have already eaten my lunch.
5. Marta has finished her homework.
6. You have broken the glass again.
7. They have paid for everything this week.
8. It has never snowed like that.
9. I have met Anne once.
10. We have seen him before.
11. You have bought 4 cars so far.
12. They have already discussed about this.
13. Maria has seen a monkey in the tree.
14. The kids have grown so much.