Engleza, întrebare adresată de darialung, 8 ani în urmă

Exercise 4 Write sentences as shown in the model: Model: l......... English but he......... German ? I like English but he likes German. 1. She ... to reggae but we ..... to soul. (listen) 2. We.... apples but he ......... bananas. (eat) 3. He .... letters but they ...... postcards. (write) 4. .......... blouses but she shoes. (buy) 5. You ......... tennis but I......... badminton. (play) 6.1 ......... a balloon but she ......... a kite. (fly) 7. They ....... French but their friend .... Italian. (study) 8. He .... Chinese but we ......... Japanese. (speak) 9. .......... to school by tram but my teacher......... to school by car. (go) 4 (dau coroana) ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de maneskinthomasvic

Răspuns: 1 listens, listen

2.eat, eats

3.writes, write

4.She buys, buys

5.play, play

6.fly, flies

7.study, studies

8.speaks, speak

9.go, goes

sper ca te ajuta

Alte întrebări interesante