Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionicahera, 7 ani în urmă

Exercises: I. Traduceti in Engleza: 1. El iti va scrie daca tu ii vei scrie. 2. El ti-ar scrie daca tu i-ai scrie. 3. El ti-ar fi scris daca tu i-ai fi scris. 4. Noi alergam daca vrem sa slabim. 5. Noi am alerga daca am vrea sa slabim. 6. Noi am fi alergat daca am fi vrut sa slabim. 7. Tu inveti daca vrei sa stii.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de diana5723


1. He will write to you if you will write to him

2.He would write to you if you would write to him

3.He would have written to you if you would have written to him

4.We are jogging if we want to get slim

5. We would jog if we wanted to get slim

6. We would have been jogging we we wanted to get slim

7. You learn if you want to know.


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