EXERCIŢII cu fraze condiţionale:
1. Puneţi verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, ţinând seama de faptul că fraza condiţională este de
tipul 1:
1. If I see him, I (greet) him.
2. If you don’t hurry, you (be) late.
3. If she finds out what has happened, she (be) very angry.
2. Puneţi verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, ţinând seama de faptul că fraza condiţională este de
tipul 2:
1. If I (know) his phone-number, I would ring him up.
2. If I (move) to the country-side, would you visit me?
3. You (buy) this house if you had money?
3. Puneţi verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, ţinând seama de faptul că fraza condiţională este de
tipul 3:
1. If you had known English, you (read) Shakespeare in the original.
2. If I (work) harder, I would have succeeded.
3. If you had taken my advice, you (not get) into trouble.
4. Puneţi verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, ţinând seama că se poate întâlni oricare dintre cele 3
tipuri de fraze condiţionale:
1. It (be) better if you had waited.
2. If I (be) you, I would go home immediately.
3. I (answer) your question if I can.
4. He (tell) you if you had asked him.
5. If you (drive) more carefully, you wouldn’t have an accident.
6. If the child is good, he (get) a bar of chocolate.
7. He will be at the airport in time if he (leave) now.
8. If I (see) him, I would speak to him.
9. If he had written a letter to me, I (answer) it.
10. You (be) sick if you eat so much.
5. Traduceţi în limba engleză:
a. Dacă va ploua, străzile vor fi ude.
b. Dacă ar ploua, străzile ar fi ude.
c. Dacă ar fi plouat, străzile ar fi fost ude.
d. Dacă un cerşetor ţi-ar cere bani, i-ai da?
e. Ce s-ar fi întâmplat dacă ai fi condus cu viteză mare?
f. Nu vom merge la plimbare dacă nu va sta ploaia.
g. Mi-ar plăcea mai mult piesa dacă ar fi mai scurtă.
h. Dacă cina nu va fi gata la timp, voi mânca la un restaurant.
i. Dacă n-ai fi închis fereastra, mi-ar fi fost frig.
j. Aş mai croşeta un pulover dacă aş mai avea lână.
k. Mamaia ar fi un loc ideal pentru o vacanţă dacă n-ar fi atât de mulţi oameni acolo.
l. Voi fi dezamăgit dacă nu voi afla adevărul.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. will greet
2.you will be late
3.will be
1. knew
3.would you buy
1.would have read
2. had worked
3. wouldn’t have gotten
1. would have been
2. was
3. will answer
4. would have told
5.had driven
9. i would have answered
10. will be
a. If it rains , the streets will be wet
b. If it rained , the streets would be wet
c. If it had rained, the streets would have been wet
d. If a beggar asked you for money, would you give him?
e. What would have happened if you hadn’t driven so fast?
f. We won’t go on a walk if the rain doesn’t stop
g. I’d like the song better if it was shorter
h. If the dinner isn’t ready in time , I’ll eat at a restaurant
i. If I hadn’t closed the window, I would have been cold
k. Mamaia would be a ideal place for a holiday if there weren’t so many people
l. I will be disappointed if I don’t find out the truth
2.you will be late
3.will be
1. knew
3.would you buy
1.would have read
2. had worked
3. wouldn’t have gotten
1. would have been
2. was
3. will answer
4. would have told
5.had driven
9. i would have answered
10. will be
a. If it rains , the streets will be wet
b. If it rained , the streets would be wet
c. If it had rained, the streets would have been wet
d. If a beggar asked you for money, would you give him?
e. What would have happened if you hadn’t driven so fast?
f. We won’t go on a walk if the rain doesn’t stop
g. I’d like the song better if it was shorter
h. If the dinner isn’t ready in time , I’ll eat at a restaurant
i. If I hadn’t closed the window, I would have been cold
k. Mamaia would be a ideal place for a holiday if there weren’t so many people
l. I will be disappointed if I don’t find out the truth
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