Engleza, întrebare adresată de buzeaalexandru79bgc2, 8 ani în urmă


Puneţi verbele din paranteză la prezentul simplu sau continuu.

1. I (go) _________________out to get the evening paper.

2. ….. ________________this book (belong) to you?

3. You (always, beat) ________________________me at chees!

4. What time (usually, get up)_________________ you…?

5. Everybody (like)___________________ summer.

6. We (go) _________________to the circus this evening.

7. I (have)__________________ an appointment with my dentist at 5 o’clock. 8.Jane (make)____________________ all her clothes herself.

9. All the students in this class (read)_________________ English well. 10. I (know) _____________________what you (mean).

11. The park (look) ________________beautiful in spring.

12. Hey! You (drink)____________________ from my glass!

13. I must go, mother (wait)__________________ for me.

14. The train (arrive) _________________at the North Station at 6.30.

15. Don’t disturb her, she (feed)____________________ the baby.

16. I can’t go away; I (see) __________________the Manager at the beginning of next week. 17. During the week we generally (get up) ________________________early. 18. I (hope)____________________ our school team will win the football match. 19. Our aunt (come) ____________________to see us this afternoon.

20. I (not approve) ___________________of your behaviour.

21. We (get)______________________a lot of snow in the mountains in winter. 22. He (fly)_________________ from Bucharest to Sibiu tomorrow.

23. John (forever, boast)_________________________ of what he has done. 24. They (want)________________________ to see you for a minute.

25. He (walk)____________________________ to hospital every day.

26. She (move)________________________ her books into her new bookcase. 27. He usually (speak)___________ his mother tongue, but today he (speak)________________ English.

28. You (drink)__________________ coffe or tea?

29. You (understand) ___________________the Present Tenses in English? 30. He (play)__________________ the piano like a professional musician. 31. You can’t speak to Mary now; she (sleep)__________________.

32. I (not hear)________________ what you (say)_____________________. 33. It’s autumn. The leaves (turn)_________________ yellow and (fall) down. 34. I (wear)__________________ a raincoat because it (rain)_________________. 35. Something (burn)_____________ in the oven, I (see)______________ that smoke (come) __________________out of it.

36. We (not drink) __________________________tea with milk in our country. 37. We (spend)_________________ next week with our parents; we (go) ____________________on a trip with them.

38. You (go) ______________________to town this afternoon?

39. My friend (come)_____________________ to see us next month.

40. Here (come)__________________ our long waited for teacher!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de teme737


Am going

Does this book

Always beat

Do you usually get up


Are going




Know, mean


Are drinking

Is waiting


Is feeding

Am seeing


Am coming

Do not aprove


Is flying

Forever boasts



Is moving

Speaks, is speaking


Do you understand

He plays

Is sleeping

Am not hearing, are saying

Turn, fall

Am wearing, is raining

Am burning, am seeing, coming

Do not drink

Are spending, are going

Are you going

Is coming

Is coming

Răspuns de valentinapascaru09
1. I went out to get the evening paper.
2. Belong this book to you? (La propozitii interogatove verbul nu se schimba)
3.You are always beating me at chess.
4.What time do you usually get up?
5. Everybody likes summer.
6. We went to the circus this evening.
7. I had an appointment with my dentist at 5 o’clock.
8.Jane made all her clothes herself
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