Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreeeeeaa69, 7 ani în urmă

exercițiile 2 și 3 va rog cât se poate de repede!limba engleza!dau coroana!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sorinamm


2. 2. of the chair

3. of the watch

4. of the novel

5. of the sweater

6. of the tree

7. of the carpet

8. of the living room

9. of the houses

10. of his story

3. 2. He threw away the lid of the jar.

3. She sewed the lining of the dress.

4. These slices of bread are too thin.

5. The back of my chair is very uncomfortable.


Aici este „of”-ul folosit pentru posesiv, de exemplu „the legs of the chair”= picioarele scaunului sau „the back of my chair”= spătarul scaunului.

(obiectul deținut + of + obiectul deținător)

Răspuns de teomaria749



these are the legs -of the chair-

look at the wristband - of the watch-

I didn't read the Last page -of the novel-

they asked about the prince -of the sweater-

the boys are climbing to the top -of the tree-

she doesn't like the color- of the carpet-

this is the plan -of the living room-

look at the roofs - of the houses-

I like the beginning -of the his story-


they threw away -the lid of jar-

she sewed -the lining of the dress-

-these slices of the bread- are to thin

-the back of my chair- is very uncomfortable.

baftă ✨️

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