Exercitiul 1, va rog....

Ex 1 sau 2. Nu conteaza.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Cerință - 1) Ești sau nu de acord cu următoarea afirmație? Un supervizor ar trebui să fie prietenos, dar nu un prieten. Susține-ți răspunsul. 2) Unii oameni preferă un loc de muncă unde pot purta haine obișnuite. Alții sunt mai fericiți lucrând la o companie unde trebuie să poarte haine formale. Ce loc de muncă ți-ar plăcea ție mai mult? De ce? Susține-ți răspunsul!
- I strongly agree with the given statement. Nobody likes an overly authoritarian person, with strict rules which lead to serious punishments if not obeyed. A supervisor should be friendly, giving people advice and lending a hand when necessary. Yet, at the same time, he should not be a friend. Why? A friend is generally a person to whom we are very close, so we often tend to overlook their negative traits. For example, when a person you don't know acts annoyingly, you would most likely be irritated and let him know that his behaviour is inappropiate. However, when you are with a friend, you have already learned to put your differences aside and you tolerate his behaviour more than a stranger's. This is why your supervisor should not be your friend. He won't warn you when you're doing something wrong. Instead, he'll simply let you be, which in the long term, can prove to be very problematic.
- I personally prefer a workplace where I can wear casual clothes. I have never enjoyed wearing a shirt and a tie as I believe they are very uncomfortable. However, I'm sure many people will disagree with me and I can see where they're coming from. I believe that, altough you may feel more relaxed while wearing casual clothes, it is important to dress according to the job you do. A room full of people wearing formal outfits will set a more formal atmosphere, which can impact people's behaviours and their decisions.
- Lumberjack25
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