Engleza, întrebare adresată de necunoscut1111111, 8 ani în urmă

exercițiul 1 ,va rog .dau coroana.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de birsanmiruna23


Sper sa te ajute!


Alan Robert met the police who pulled him up when he arrived on the top of the building.

French “Spider-man” reaches top of oil HQ.

A French “Spider-man” has (1) climbed one of the tallest blocks in France using only his bare hands. Alain Robert performed the stunt at the headquarters of oil giant TotalFinaElf in Paris. The building is 190m tall, shorter than some of his previous 30 (2) challenges, but not without its problems. ‘It’s long and (3) very difficult at the end,’ Robert (4) told reporters. ‘It was a little more difficult than I had (5) expected because of the wind and sun. At the (6) beginning it was a little wet because of the window cleaners.’ Dozens of workers from the building joined the crowd of spectators, and (7) cheered Mr Roberts as he neared the top. He was pulled up by police when he reached the (8) top after the 90 minute climb, for climbing without (9) permission. But no charges were brought and he says the officers (10) offered him orange juice.

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