Engleza, întrebare adresată de alebyy0110, 8 ani în urmă

Exercițiul 12 va rog


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mariaelizacristea

1. unless

2. if

3. when

4. unless

5. when

6. unless

7. when

8. if

9. when

10. unless

Răspuns de BiancaLazar2507

Unless you finish your homework, you can't ga to the party.

If you don't run,you will miss the bus

When you are ready to leave, call me

Unless it stops raining, we wont go for a walk

If you eat your dinner you can have some cake

Unless he comes soon, we will have to leavewithout him

When you finish your report, give it to the manager

If you like this soup, you can have some more

If you leave the house, lock the door

Unless we save some money, we can't go on holiday this year

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