Engleza, întrebare adresată de danielaelena25, 8 ani în urmă

Exercitiul 3, ofer funda


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de EliseiAlexandru


1. I can't cope with my mother's death.

2. I'd like to follow in my father's footsteps.

3. John has me rolling on the floor laughing.

4. I like a wide range of musical genres.

5. I dislike anything associated with kitsch.

6. The last film I saw on the big screen was Fast & Furious 9.  


Prepositions (fixed phrases)

Răspuns de Maroscsak

1) I can't cope with (death).

2) I'd like to follow in (dad)'s footsteps.

3) (David's joke) has me rolling around on the floor laughing.

4) I like a wide range of (flavours).

5) I don't like anything associated with (war).

6) The last film I saw on the big screen was (Avengers Endgame).

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