Engleza, întrebare adresată de cristiandandita, 8 ani în urmă

Exercitiul 4,5 va rog , urgent ! ofer coroana +24 p !! URGENT ! doresc rezolvări corecte ..​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de SabinusLethal


4. 1.My brother swims with dolphins in Florida

2.Im calling john for hours and hours and he hasn't answered

3. He rides on the backs of the elephants in..

4.We are knowing Julie for ten years

5.She is having a cold for two weeks

6.I am being hungry for hours

7.She eats chocolate all morning. so she

is sick

8.We are having a lot of turtles as pets

5.My brother doesnt swim with the dolphins in Florida

Im calling john for hours and hours and he answered

He doesnt ride on the backs of the elephants in..

We aren't knowing Julie for ten years

She isn't having a cold for two weeks

I am not being hungry for hours

She doesn't eat chocolate all the morning. So she isn't sick

We aren't having a lot of turtles as pets

cristiandandita: MULȚUMESC DIN SUFLET ! Cum primesc coroana ți o dau promit
SabinusLethal: Ma bucur ca te-am ajutat :D
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