Engleza, întrebare adresată de feliciapalii2005, 9 ani în urmă

exercițiul 4
va rog frumos din suflet...​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de grasuxxl30

Am ales 4 intrebari, conform cerintei.


1.Have you ever been lied to?

- Yes, many times.

2.Do you think lies are a necessity in our life?

- Yes, sometimes the truth can be painful.

3.Who benefits from a lie? The liar or the person lied to? Why?

- It depends on the lie, if the truth might hurt the person lied to, it will benefit that person. However if the lie is to hide something the liar did or didn't do then it only helps him.

4.Why do some people lie?

- Mostly to hide the truth, but in some cases to protect the person lied to from a painful truth. Also some people lie just because they feel like they become "cooler" if they lie.

feliciapalii2005: am spus ex 4
feliciapalii2005: Nu 4 intrebari
feliciapalii2005: citeste mai atent
grasuxxl30: Citeste cerinta inainte.
grasuxxl30: Spune: "Alege 4 intrebari...."
feliciapalii2005: am avut in vedere sa faci exercițiul 4 dar nu 4 întrebări
feliciapalii2005: ba nu
grasuxxl30: "Choose four questions" = "Alege patru intrebari".
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