Exercițiul 5 si 6 clasa a XII Engleza L2
Pagina 11.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
5. One day John was sitting in the playground eating his lunch from a paper bag when a dark shadow loomed over him. He looked up and saw Mick Moakes peering down at him. Behind Moakes stood two of his pals. They were grinning and John knew that something was going to happen to him.
6. Tacitus said that the Anglo-Saxons were stubborn but fiercely and proudly free people. Alfred the Great, king of the West Saxons, defeated the Danes who had tried to conquer his kingdom. He had layed the basis for the unification of England under the West Saxon monarchy and had lead a revival of learning and literature. An outstanding leader in both war and peace, he had been called the great. Education declined because until then the monasteries had been looted by the Danes. Few even among the clergy could read or write. With Alfred's help Latin books had been translated into Anglo-Saxon.
The Anglo-Saxon king had held the land as trustee for the people.
When the Anglo-Saxons had settled in the British Isles, they had brought this concept with them. Later, the Norman king, William claimed that all land had been owned outright by the king.Much misery had been caused to the people by this theft of their land.