Engleza, întrebare adresată de Alexandru200011, 9 ani în urmă

Exercitiul din poza va rog


marcela16: Ești în clasă cu Denis
Alexandru200011: Care Denis?
Alexandru200011: nu este pt mn tema
marcela16: Mai este pus un exercițiu la fel
Alexandru200011: Stiu ,l-am postat sa vad de raspunsuri
marcela16: Aștept un răspuns de la cineva, poate știe să îl facă.
Alexandru200011: Bine
Alexandru200011: Daca aveti un raspuns mi+l scrieti si.mie va rog
marcela16: Da
Alexandru200011: Bine

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreeap131
1. Steal: Five breads were stolen from the bakery.2. download: Six movies were downloaded from this website3. install: At noon, all the programs were installed.4. turn on: At his pary, the music was turned on only  at midnight due to technical problems.5.program: All the students were programed for the exam.6. record: What he said was recorded by his sister7. invent: A long time ago, the plane was invented.8. damage: All the cars were damaged.9.clean: All the house was cleaned this afternoon.

Utilizator anonim: daca nu iti pasa , de ce raspunzi aiurea ?
Alexandru200011: Eu nu ma cert
Utilizator anonim: ba este
andreeap131: Da, propozitiile sunt la passive voice
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