Engleza, întrebare adresată de sahenskd, 9 ani în urmă

Explicați fraza in limba engleză : a house is nothing much before it becomes a Home !!!!! Va roggggggggg

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NoraSymy
o casa nu este mare lucru pana nu devine Acasa

sahenskd: Srry
sahenskd: Dar imi trebuie gen o compunere
sahenskd: In engleză
sahenskd: Ma poți ajuta ?
Răspuns de TaraMartin
The phrase explanation is that a house is just a heap of bricks until you feel like there's the place you belong to, where you can laugh, you can cry, you can relax, you can have all the bad and good moments with your family. The best explanation of this phrase, I think is that the humans can hallow a house and it can suddenly become a home. And before it becomes a home, that house is nothing more than a heap of building materials.
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