Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Express regrets:
1. I should (not go)_________________ to that party last night. It was a waste of time. 2. I should (not watch)__________________ the TV last night. I am really tired now. 3. I should (clean)________________ my room yesterday. It’s really messy.4. I should (help)________________ my neighbour yesterday. He probably needed my help a lot. 5. He should (not eat) ____________________so many sweets last night. He feels sick now. 6. I should (not leave)_________________ class earlier last time as I missed a lot of important information. 7. You should (tell) _____________me you we busy last nigh

Cine ma ajuta are coroana + puncte de la mine ! va rog mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de linear2003
1. shouldn’t have gone
2. shouldn’t have watched
3. should have cleaned
4. should have helped
5. shouldn’t have eaten
6. shouldn’t have left
7. should have told
Răspuns de daisyhi


buna !

1) shouldn't have gone

2) shouldn't have watched

3) should have cleaned

4) should have helped

5) shouldn't have eaten

6) shouldn't have left

7) should have told

sper ca te am ajutat

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