Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariadian12345yzg, 7 ani în urmă

Fă o compunere(descriere) despre animalul tau in engleză.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alex999959
1.despre câini :

My favorite animal is the dog. Dogs are loyal and loving animals that always show affection to their owners. They are intelligent and curious animals that love to explore and learn new things.The dog is a perfect pet for those who want an affectionate, loyal and protective animal. Dogs are loving animals and love to be pampered and receive attention from their owners.
Dogs are also very protective animals and have a very strong sense of duty. They are prepared to sacrifice themselves for their masters and protect them from any danger. Dogs are also excellent animals for guarding the home and their owners.Dogs are also very playful animals and love to play. They love to run and play with a ball or other toys. Dogs love to be pampered and get attention from their owners.

2. despre pisici

The cat is a perfect pet for those who want an affectionate animal that can easily adapt to their lifestyle. Cats are independent animals that don't need as much attention as other pets such as dogs.
Cats are very loving animals and love to be petted and rest on their owners' laps. Cats are also very curious animals and love to explore and play.They are very intelligent animals and can learn various commands and tricks. For example, cats can learn to sit, paw or fetch the toy when playing. This makes the cat a very entertaining pet.They are very clean and groom their fur and skin on their own. Cats also don't have a strong scent, so you don't have to wash them often like other pets.
All in all, cats are a perfect pet for those who want an affectionate pet that can easily adapt to their lifestyle. Cats are independent, loving, intelligent and clean animals that can adapt to any lifestyle.
Răspuns de ursachem852


o să pun Pisica care se numește kira

I have a cat named Kira, she's very playful .she is brown with white spots .She doesn't like it when it rains ,but when its hot outside She likes.when I take her out for a walk, I have to make sure that there are no dogs, especially that she doesn't go to other cats . Kira is very friendly.she has a favorite toy ,a mouse .when She doesn't go outside She play with him all the time.i love My cat, i have her from when i was 6 ! If i lose her, i lose my happines.

mariadian12345yzg: bv!
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