Engleza, întrebare adresată de badeaiustin27, 8 ani în urmă

Fa un eseu cu titlul “de ce e cititul important”

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Răspuns de dstoian411


Unul dintre cele mai importante motive pentru care citim cărți este pentru că acumulăm cunoștințe noi. Cărțile sunt o sursă bogată de informații. Vom citi despre subiecte variate și astfel ne vom mări sfera de cunoștințe. O carte nouă înseamnă cel puțin o informație nouă.Cititul are un efect pozitiv și asupra corpului. O carte ne poate relaxa mai bine decât o plimbare în parc sau decât atunci când ascultăm muzică. Conform studiilor, cine citește mai mult are un nivel scăzut al stresului. Există mii, dacă nu milioane de cărți „self-help”,care încurajează cititorii să învețe să se bazeze pe ei înșiși și multe dintre acestea conțin exerciții, trucuri, rețete care ne conferă o claritate mentală și fizică, înlăturând astfel depresia.Studiile arată că cititul are efecte pozitive asupra creierului; dacă ești în permanență stimulat, la nivel mental și antrenezi creierul, păstrându-l activ, asta poate preveni demența (nebunia) și chiar boala Alzheimer. Creierul este un mușchi asemenea celorlalți din corpul uman și exercițiile îl mențin sănătos și puternic. Așadar, cititul poate fi asemănător cu rezolvarea unui puzzle care te antrenează și te ține în priză.


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Răspuns de Elena191919120
Why is reading important

Reading helps our brain development,but there are more different causes in it because it benefits our body in many ways,beside that,when you read you exercise your comprehension abilities and your analytical abilities.It fires up your imagination and stimulates the memory centers of your mind,it helps recall information as well stabilize your emotions.The importance of a reading habit is that it strengthens mental muscles.Reading is also a incredibly inexpensive hobby that provides so many benefits.Most of the time, it requires little or no electricity to engage in reading, so you're not burning up watts and adding to your energy bill. If you read outside or in a well-lit house, there's no cost at all during daytime hours. Reading may also lead to a better, more balanced life. What happens when students read? They train their brains, in essence. They are mentally stimulated, acquire knowledge and ideas, reduce stress in their lives, improve their vocabularies and memory, and develop keener analytical skills. The study closely examined 294 eldery women and men in their 80s, and gave them mentally stimulating tasks, including reading and writing. They were also given memory and thinking tests annually in their last years to keep track of their progress. After they died, autopsies showed that those who had engaged in such activities had a slower rate of memory decline compared to those who hadn’t read. Another one of the many reasons why reading is important is that it allows for creative thinking. Reading can inspire you when you are feeling bored, down or in a rut.. It can help give you that very needed pick-me-up without having to search too far for it. Reading helps get the creative side of your brain thinking, unlike television that really does not use much creative brain power.
If you are still unconvinced or unsure about the importance of reading, or feel as though it’s not beneficial for you personally, then it’s important to note that reading actually helps improve concentration. Reading can train our mind how to focus properly, which is invaluable in nearly everything we do on a daily basis — whether it be as we study or even in our careers and in our personal relationships. We could all benefit from practicing our concentration skills.

Reading takes us out of that ‘multi-tasking’ mindset that are constantly in. It allows us to really focus on one single thing that we are doing, and be fully present in it. This focus can allow us to be successful in other parts of our lives, such as on the job. Those who are capable of focusing for longer periods of time can get more work done and be more efficient, which can mean working less overall hours or being seen as a more valuable worker

Another one of the reasons why reasons why reading is important is that it allows for a greater perspective on the world and on others. Reading can take us outside of our closed-off bubble, allowing us to see a different view on the world, one outside of our own. Reading is a chance to live through the lives of others without stepping outside of our comfort zone or even traveling anywhere else. It’s a chance to live another life without even leaving your home. It will transport our imagination to places we’ve never been before, and perhaps never even knew existed.
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