Engleza, întrebare adresată de flaviahoreboiu, 9 ani în urmă

Face ti forma corecta :
1) I love new (toy)
2) He always takes a lot of (photo)
3) Their (family) are very good friends
4) The (knife) and forks are in the cupboard
5) She sometimes reads (story) about (witch)
6) Does he like(tomato)?
7) Do your (child) like sweets?
8) These (man) are acrobats
9) I am terribly afraid of (mouse)
10) What I like abaut autumn is the beaytifully coloured (leaf)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de valeandanyel
1. toys
2. photos
3. families
4. knives
5. stories, witches
6. tomatoes
7. children
8. men
9. mice
10. leaves

flaviahoreboiu: cu tot cu propozitii
flaviahoreboiu: sa faci propozitiile cu forma corecta'
valeandanyel: ti le-am scris in forma corecta, tu doar inlocuiesti.
flaviahoreboiu: ok
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