Engleza, întrebare adresată de dragostiger, 8 ani în urmă

Faceți exercițiul va rog:


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de caninm8

1.My granny is wiser than my mother.(wise_

2.My mum is the kindest mum in the world.(kind)

3.Robin Hood was braver than the sheriff.(brave)

4.Snow White is the beautifulest princess.(beautiful)

5.Granny knows many more stories then Mother.(many)

6.Alice is as generous as her brother.(generous)

7.Sandy isn't as noisy as Tim.(noisy)

Stiu ca sunt mutle raspunsuri cu acelasi cuvant,dar sunt sigur ca este correct.

Sper ca te am ajutat!

dragostiger: multumesc mult
caninm8: Cu placere.
iuliap02: Beautifulest nu e corect , most beautiful e corect
caninm8: Poti sa cauti,beautifulest exista si este folosit.
iuliap02: according to study.com "While beautiful is a word and the suffix -est can be added to the end of various adjectives to make them superlative, 'beautifulest' is not a word. ... Instead, the word 'most' should be placed in front of the adjective. Thus, instead of 'beautifulest,' the phrase 'most beautiful' should be used"
caninm8: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=beautifulest
iuliap02: urban dictionary nu e cea mai potrivita sursa
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