Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihneaandrei65, 8 ani în urmă

Faceti-mi si mi-e va rog frumos o compunere in engleza de 20-25 randuri cu titlu Why it is important to learn Urgent va rog!!!!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dotilina

My opinion on "Why it is important to learn" is that I think that if we learn we can get to be someone in life , we dont do it for schools we do it for us. For our children, family and the most important out future. I also think that It is important to learn because all our hard work , our stress and everything that bothers us will somehow pay off.

The most important thing to know right now is to know that we study for our future not for our schools . Of course you will want to make your family members happy, but they would be even happier if we studied for us, knowing that we are studing for our happiness and for our future. Imagine that You are sitting in a chair at a desk, you see that you own a bussiness , a really good one actually. And you remember how much you stressed to study every single little word that was written in the book , being afraid /terriffied to even bother to think that you would be made fun of in the front of the class for not knowing one little thing. But then , you remember that, you studied everything so that would never happen .

So you see, I think It's important to study because it will make us feel better , feel relaxed , happy , confident in yourself. If you think that your hard work and the stress that you have right now would pay off, you will succeed in life and succeed in making yourself happy.

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