Engleza, întrebare adresată de NicuCiofu, 9 ani în urmă

Faceti o compunere despre craciun in Engleza 250-300 cuvinte

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cipriciprian110
                                       ChristmasChristmas is an important holiday among Christians. After a rather long post came Timo people to indulge in delicious food plentiful.On Christmas Eve people, especially children go from house to house carol birth of Jesus. In that day sing carols. That day is done and decorated Christmas tree with ornaments, tinsel and lights. Christmas day, children go from house to house with the star.On Christmas day, the family sits at a round table and feast with delicious food: steak, salad beuf, etc ... After this event, people are preparing for the New Year, as the same delicious food.
Mai mult nu stiu , sper ca te-am ajutat ! ( P.S daca scrii mare te incradezi in 25-30 randuri !

NicuCiofu: Ms mult
cipriciprian110: Npc
cipriciprian110: Bafta !
NicuCiofu: ms
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