Engleza, întrebare adresată de marinaroberta2, 9 ani în urmă

Faceti un dialog intre tine si un personaj( oricare ,poate fi si unul din desene si unul istoric etc.) + introducere( era o zi frumoasa. M-am intalnit cu. ceva de genu..) sa fie in engleaza. P.S. nutrebuie sa fie lunga ,dar sa fie captivanta cu intrebari de genul : cati ani poti trai? De ce esti aici?etc. Va multumesc frumos.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Porecla47
    It was a beautiful summer day. I went to the park eating strawberry  ice cream.
I like the strawberry ice cream so much!
   Suddenly I saw an old man with a long robe, long white beard, a gray mustache and black eyes. He said:
    - Good morning, dear boy! He had a strange accent, but a soft voice. How are you today?
   - I'm fine, thank you...Who are you?
   - Who am I? Well, I'll tell you, but remember: it's a secret. I am Merlin, the wizard.
   - Wow! I heard about you...
   - Of course you heard me! I am the most powerful of all the wizards. I helped King Arthur.
  - Now I remember. How can you live more than 1000 years?
  - This is the will of the Creator.
   -But what do you want from me?
  - Each century one wizard comes here and tells important things about magic. Only the old people can know about it. But this century I am that wizard and I decided to organize a magic show, where all the children have free entry. It begins in 30 minutes. Do you want to come with me?
   - It would be amazing! I said
   - Then let's go!
  I was so happy! I never expected to go to a magic show.

Porecla47: Spune dacă trebuia să mai scriu ceva sau dacă am greșit!
marinaroberta2: E buna
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