Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Faceti următoarele propozitii.Model she said that


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

Turn the following questions to Indirect Speech:

Treceti urmatoarele propozitii la vorbirea indirecta:

Rezolvarea exercitiului

11. "Dinosaurs are extinct", the teacher said.

The teacher said that dinosaurs were extinct.

12. "Paris is a small city", said Lucy.

Lucy said that Paris was a small city.

13. "I`ve been sunbathing all afternoon", he said.

He said that he had been sunbathing all afternoon.

14. "She looks very pretty today", said Paul.

Paul said that she looked very pretty that day.

15. "If I were you, I`d enter the competition", he said.

He said that if he had been me, he would have entered the competition.

16. "If they had played well, they`d have won", the coach said.

The coach said that if they had played well, they would have won.

17. "She doesn`t seem to be enjoying herself",he said.

He said that she didn`t seem to be enjoying herself.

18. "Water freezes under 0 C", the professor said.

The professor said that water freezes under 0 C.

19. "She ought to see a doctor", he said.

He said that she ought to have seen a doctor.

20. "Mum is making a cake now", said Tom.

Tom said that mum was making a cake then.

21. "We went two Australia two years ago", she said.

She said that they had gone to Australia two years before.


 Vorbirea indirecta se foloseste pentru a transmite ceea ce altcineva a spus. De cele mai multe ori, verbul din propozitia principala este la timpul trecut (he said that, he told me, etc). Nu putem avea timp trecut in principala si timp prezent in secundara. Si-atunci, timpurile din propozitia secundara se vor transforma, astfel: present simple in past simple; present continuous in past continuous;past simple in past perfect simple present perfect simple in past perfect simple; past continuous in past perfect continuous,etc. De asemenea, adverbele se vor transforma si ele, vezi mai sus: now-then, ago-before, etc.

La propozitia 18, nu este nicio schimbare,chiar daca verbul din principala este la timpul trecut. Si asta pentru ca exprima un adevar general-valabil, apa ingheata la 0 grade.

La propozitia 19 avem un verb modal, iar trecutul lui "ought to"  se formeaza astfel: ought to+have+ past participle ( daca verbul este regulat ii adaugi "-ed", iar daca este neregulat, scrii forma a treia.)

Mult succes!

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